Tuesday, August 31, 2010

George's Service Diary: Sun. Jan. 24

Sun. Jan. 24 – Off in the morning. In the afternoon, there was a mission scheduled for Wau, 8 ships. So Porter and Kingsley matched for it and Kingsley got the mission. Then it was decided Porter would fly it anyway. Maj. Sims took Porteous place in the flight, and for some reason, Porter refused to lead. So I was delegated to lead, Mayo on my wing, Maj. Sims leading 2nd element, and Porter on his wing. Some flight! Then, of all things, when I get a chance for glory and fame, the mission was cancelled, and we didn’t fly at all. Another raid at night. One false alarm at 10:30, a raid at 1:00, a false alarm about 2:00, and a raid at 4:00. A whole boatload of heavy bombs near 7-mile, and they started some kind of a fire. A telegram from Betty saying she could get a visa which would last till June, as she would wait for me. Hallelujah!

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